Looks like in addition to taking a week off from work, Bob is also taking the week off from the blog. I guess it is up to me and Joe to pick up the slack. Joe is picking up his part of the slack by posting new chapters of his book and telling a great story that gives readers the warm and fuzzies. I, on the other hand, have chosen to do what I seem to do best on this blog, which is to post a rant (and a couple of raves for good karma). So here goes.....
Julie rants:
To the lady in the white Subaru in front of me the other day: Don't start yelling at me because I was trying to make a right hand turn when you were also apparently trying to make the same turn. You forgot to put your damn turn signal on and I cannot read your mind when I don't have my crystal ball in the car.
To the co-worker that sends out mass emails: If you don't know my political views (which you don't) I respectfully ask that you stop sending out politically charged emails. Especially when they contain false statements which are only intended to incite the readers. Adding a disclaimer of "not sure if this is true...." does not make it acceptable.
To the fashion-conscious girl in front of Toys-R-Us: White sweatpants pulled up to your knees with white high heels is not a good look. Ever. Trust me.
To Allegheny County officials: 272 dead geese does not even put a dent in the flocks around North Park. I drove through there this morning and saw as many as I usually do on my morning commute. I did see some geese dressed all in black walking towards the lake, but I digress. Don't get me wrong, I love animals but trying to goose-step the poop is getting tiresome.
Julie raves:
To my hubby: Thanks for taking time during your vacation to paint the bedroom. I really appreciate the great job you did. It looks so much better that the machine gun green-gray color that we "accidentally" painted it years ago.
To a friend: This week is your last week here at work. Despite the negative events that have gone on in your life, both personally and professionally, you are the kindest, most generous and caring person I've ever met. I will miss you; I cherish your friendship and advice and your cookies are to DIE for.
To Matt Groening: Here is the avatar I made for myself. Please feel free to use it in your next movie.
Thanks for the Simpsons avatar idea Julie! The boys and I just made ones for the whole family. And Sean wanted to do one of Richard Pryor for some strange reason...so we did that, too.
Posted by: Joe | July 18, 2007 at 04:26 PM
Hubba, hubba! Great avatar!
Posted by: yellojkt | July 21, 2007 at 09:15 AM